Missiomme on olla Subway®-yrittäjien kannattavuuden ja kilpailukyvyn tukena – nyt ja tulevaisuudessa.


We are a non-profit Independent Purchasing Company Europe Limited (IPC EMEA) owned by European Subway® franchisees .  The IPC EMEA community was founded by a group of entrepreneurial franchisees who wanted to benefit from the benefits of joint purchasing.

We are currently handling more than £ 1,5 billion worth of contracts on behalf of over 5,400 Subway® franchisees in Europe.

We provide services and business solutions, including the Quality Management Service for Product Quality Management and ServiceNet Support for Subway® Standards and Maintenance Requirements. We also provide business services and solutions, such as group insurance, supplies, trade services, waste management and technology.

Since 2001, we have delivered over £ 435 million in benefits to Subway® franchisees across Europe. 

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